What’s new in Hurrevac for 2022
The 2022 season version of HURREVAC features a refined interface, improvements to tools, and expanded learning resources.

Major upgrades
1.) The 2022 version introduces a revamped HURREVAC logo and Toolbox icons. This is the first phase of a long-term project to optimize and align the overall user interface.
2.) A comprehensive User Guide is now available. Dozens of new topic pages have expanded descriptions of tools, reports and data sources. An updated Quick Reference Guide (18-page PDF) is also available on the User Guides and Tutorials page of the support website.
3.) The Storm Surge (SLOSH) Explorer user interface has been redesigned to improve the workflow. The clickable filters function as they did in previous years, and all of the underlying data layers are unchanged from 2021 (except the Charleston basin, as noted below). National MOMs are now mapped at their full extent, rather than clipped to SLOSH Basin boundaries. The side panel also features a context-specific help button.
4.) Two Reports have enhancements to performance and layout: Closest Approach Report and (multiple location) Wind Probabilities Reports.
5.) Self-guided training modules have been reintroduced. These are available by clicking Training in the Toolbox.
Other changes of note:
- Updated storm surge modeling for South Carolina and Georgia (the Charleston or “CH3” basin) was released in February 2022. Learn more in the site announcement.
- The cumulative Day 1-3 Excessive Rainfall Outlook is now available. HURREVAC also incorporates the revised probabilities for the color-coded risk categories issued by the Weather Prediction Center (WPC).
- Two tools were renamed to better reflect their purpose: Reports in the Toolbox (previously Reports and Graphs), and Potential Storm Surge Flooding in the Storm Tools bar (previously Operational Storm Surge Products).
- Surge Flags have been fixed to update more smoothly when switching between map layers. Flags placed in Potential Storm Surge Flooding layers are shaded pink to differentiate from other surge-related layers.
- Storm Simulator is no longer in beta version, and has a context-specific help button.
- New for 2022, the NHC now includes geographic descriptors in the heading of each area listed in the Tropical Weather Outlook.
- The Potential Track Area (Error Cone) slightly narrowed as a result of NHC’s improving accuracy in forecasting storm tracks. The cone definitions for the Eastern Pacific basin and JTWC areas of responsibility also changed slightly.
Please plan to join us next week for the annual webinar series. All aspects of HURREVAC, both existing and new features, will be covered during the webinars.
- Posted by Karen Townsend
- On June 1, 2022